AMES develops BreatheView, a unique remote patient-monitoring technique for safeguarding COPD patients from potentially life-threatening and costly hospitalizations.
BreatheView measures changing tidal-breathing patterns expressed as standard flow-volume curves, which are directly recognized by doctors and support early interventions.
BreatheView is extremely patient-friendly and accurate, and it resolves a long standing problem in remote patient-monitoring.

Welcome to AMES​, Associated Medical Engineers, a University of Twente spin-off.

Vision & Mission
We are a dedicated team of engineers and entrepreneurs that bring technology driven solutions to the health care market. Our interest especially lies in the field of fluid dynamics with medical applications such as pulmonary flows and cardiovascular flows.
A crucial factor in achieving break-throughs in health care innovation is the close cooperation between engineers and clinicians. We work closely together with pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons in the Netherlands and one of the main developments consists of our remote patient monitoring technique to safeguard COPD-patients from ending up in hospitals.